Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer - 4187 Words
Into the Wild – RRS Title: Into the Wild Publication Date: 1996 Author: Jon Krakauer Nationality: American Author’s Birth/Death Date: April 12, 1954 – Present Distinguishing Traits of the Author: Jon Krakauer is an American mountaineer before a writer. His passion for literature arose indirectly from a series of analyses he wrote for magazines regarding his daring exploits. Many of his works reflect his multiplex feelings regarding the topic of exploration and the dangers associated with such activities, as seen in the effects of Christopher McCandless’ futile expedition. Most of his pieces entail details regarding the realities of mountaineering that defy the common misconceptions and reveries that young and ignorant minds associate with nature. Thus, with his experience driving his work, Krakauer establishes himself as a credible source that brings new insight, tenacity, and style to the art of journalism. Setting: Following the impulses of his romantic notions, Christopher McCandless finds himself ill-equipped in the Alaskan winter of 1992. A far cry from the â€Å"good life,†the terrain is â€Å"no picnic†with its â€Å"big and fast†rivers and â€Å"mosquitoes [that] eat [people] alive†(4-5). Within the forest lies the abandoned remains of a Faribanks City Transit System bus, an ominous reminder of what once was when man lived on the land. However, the vehicle eventually came to be recognized as a refuge for hunters during their expeditions. This all changed â€Å"in earlyShow MoreRelatedInto the Wild by Jon Krakauer563 Words  | 2 PagesJon Krakauer presents Into The Wild a tragic tale of a young ambitious man who is motivated to go into the wilderness and discover his true identity.Jon krakauer conveys many messages to his readers through Chris McCandless, and his messages often offer a warning to society.we will furture idenitfy how the author deliever s the warning to society and what effect it can have upon society today.Three of the very important messages he empatizes on are the societies influence on people,the essence ofRead MoreThe Wild By Jon Krakauer1096 Words  | 5 PagesAllyssa Mikes July 2012 Into the Wild Mr. Fertmann Throughout the non-fictional novel Into the Wild, the author Jon Krakauer catches the reader’s interest early on in the book. Krakauer takes us on a journey, telling the story of young Chris McCandless’ adventures after abandoning everything he owned. Krakauer fully emerged himself into the study of McCandless’ life’s adventures and soon developed a deep understanding of who he was and how he impacted to world. Krakauer connected with McCandless in anRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer946 Words  | 4 Pagescompelling novel â€Å"Into The Wild†by Jon Krakauer the character and intelligence of the youth in men is questioned. Through the pieced together 200 page novel we are introduced to Christopher Johnson McCandless also known as â€Å"Alex Supertramp†. A ripe 24 years of age he chose to question our reality and his meaning of life that is given to us by hitchhiking across America to the Alaskan wilderness, where after four months in the last frontier he is found dead. Krakauer throughout the novel shows thatRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1330 Words  | 6 Pagesshared.†- Jon Krakauer Into the wild. Jon Krakauer, the author of Into the Wild told the story of Chris McCandless. Chris escaped reality and went to go live off the land in Alaska, hoping to live a simpler life. In the novel, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandless shared a similar philosophy with Jack London, as they both have a strong passion for Alaska, they both appreciated they beauty of nature, and both wanted to be reborn. In the novel, Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, Chris McCandlessRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1349 Words  | 6 PagesSummary Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a true story about Chris McCandless who is found dead in the Alaskan wild during September 1992. After discovering that his father had a secret secondary family when Chris was young, Chris pushes away his friends and family and eventually isolates himself. He obtains $25,000 from his parents by lying about attending law school and drives away from home, deserting his real name. He later leaves his car in Georgia after an engine breakdown due to rain damageRead MoreThe Wild By Jon Krakauer1522 Words  | 7 Pagesvictories.†(Richard M. Nixon). In his investigative biography, Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer, expresses that even though young people can be ignorant and take treacherous risks, these can be used as knowledge enhancers and can be life changers. Krakauer gives us insight by giving examples of what risk really are, how people take them, and how it actually affects those people. Throughout the whole book there are instances where krakauer uses real life examples of things that have happened where people haveRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer Essay1237 Words  | 5 Pages Jon Krakauer s novel â€Å"Into the wild†, Is a story about a young man named Christopher McCandless or â€Å"Alex Supertramp†who went on a self discovering odyssey in which he had traveled around the U.S. The story surrounds Chris and his travels and what he had done at the time, leading to his death in August 1992. Thus the story takes a direction in the viewpoints of the people Alex has come across through in his travels. It speaks about what he had done at the time of his journey before he hadRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1013 Words  | 5 Pages Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, narrates the life of adventurer and free spirit Christopher McCandless, who died August 1992 in the Alaskan wilderness; however, his journey still remains relevant in today’s pop culture due to the unresolved controversy of whether he is a saintly role model or hubristic fool. Krakauer openly states that he â€Å"won’t claim to be an impartial biographer†(Author’s Note) due to the parallels he struck with McCandless, and provides a more idealistic approach to the biographyRead MoreInto the Wild by Jon Krakauer1516 Words  | 7 PagesRosselini, John Waterman and Carl McCunn. They all went to Alaska, just like Chris and died. After that Chris continued to canoe and got caught by the US officers when he was trying to get back into the US from Mexico. So he spent a night in jail. Krakauer then compared Chris to Everett Reuss. They both changed their names and they both disappeared. Chris applied for an ID as Alex Supertramp and found a job in Los Angeles. New York Times published about Alex’s death. Jim Gallien and Wayne WesterbergRead MoreInto the Wild: by Jon Krakauer1186 Words  | 5 Pagessense Krakauers natural liking for McCandless. He was sympathetic to McCandless, based on Krakauers sense of a shared experience in their youth and up until McCandless eventual death and Krakauers perceived near death experience on the Devils Thumb. I believe the author’s main point and perspective was formed from his own experience and relationship with his father. While the situations were basically reversed with Chris not approving of his father and Lewis Krakauer disappointed in Jon for not
Monday, December 23, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy s Speech - 1405 Words
Leighton Hainline Jessica Madinger Composition 1 26 October 2015 We Choose to go to the Moon Rhetorical Analysis There are many things that a speech must contain to make it a well written and spoken speech. John F. Kennedy s speech he gave on September 12th 1962, titled â€Å"Address at Rice University on the Nation s Space Efforts†, better known as â€Å"We Choose to go to the Moon†contains many of the important factors of a successful speech. Kennedy used rhetorical strategies and skills to help him influence the American people to help accomplish the major goal of reaching the moon. Kennedy did not only want to reach the moon, but he wanted to be the first country to do so. President Kennedy effectively told the objective he found important by using ethos, pathos and kairos throughout his speech to help get the support of the people. By using these three rhetorical strategies Kennedy gave a moving speech. The main purpose of John F. Kennedy s speech â€Å"We Choose to go to the Moon†was to gain the support of the American people. He did this by pointing out why it was important to be the first ones to reach the moon with a man. Kennedy addresses many things that the United States has quickly and efficiently succeeded at, he then goes on to compare these successes to getting a man on the moon. The president also brings up how they are very close to obtaining the goal and that they just need the funding to make it happen. He continues on to make a powerful comparison between howShow MoreRelatedThe Inaugural Address Of John F. Kennedy1441 Words  | 6 PagesAddress of John F. Kennedy is considered one of the greatest speeches in twentieth-century American public address,†says Sara Ann Mehltretter from Penn State University. The 1960s was an important time period during American history. The speech was said to motivate Americans and unite them to successfully create a powerful government. In a time of desperation, the actions that the United States government would take to help come out succes sful was very important for the countries future. In John F. Kennedy’sRead MoreThe Inaugural Address Of John F. Kennedy1654 Words  | 7 PagesAddress of John F. Kennedy is considered one of the greatest speeches in twentieth-century American public address,†says Sara Ann Mehltretter from Penn State University. The 1960s was an important time period during American history. The speech was said to motivate Americans and unite them to successfully create a powerful government. In a time of desperation, the actions that the United States government would take to help come out successful was very important for the countries future. In John F. Kennedy’sRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy s Inaugural Address Essay1566 Words  | 7 PagesBUT FREEDOM: Rhetorical Analysis of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address Tanner A. Woody Anderson University On January 20, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered a speech with a backdrop of snow and a twenty-degree wind blowing in his face in Washington D.C. In his speech, he starts off with saying that his victory is not for a party but it is for freedom. At the climax of his speech, JFK delivers a call to action which is also the most well-known line from his speech: â€Å"†¦ask not whatRead MoreHaving Dreams Of Being On The Moon By John F. Kennedy1294 Words  | 6 Pagesthe moon, President John F. Kennedy approaches the podium on September 12th, 1962 at Rice University in Houston Texas to inspire others to have unimaginable dreams of their own. Kennedy produces a dramatically moving speech to create brilliance across America and for all of America, through his own dreams in the context of â€Å"The decision to go to the moon.†Around this time was the height of the cold war and just the start of the space race, with that said, he starts his speech of with I am delighte dRead MoreAnalysis of John F Kennedys Presidency870 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, has become one of the most famous presidents in the nations history due to his oratory skills and eloquence (Biane,2011). In this paper, we present an analysis the inaugural speech that he delivered in January 1961. Even though his Inaugural speech lasted less than fifteen minutes, the message that he saliently delivered was one that has continued to resonate in the very hearts of American citizens. The analysis An analysis of JohnRead MoreInspirational Tools Of An Inspiration Leader1531 Words  | 7 PagesIntro On January 20, 1961, President John F. Kennedy was sworn into office and delivered one of the most famous and remembered inaugural addresses in U.S. history. Kennedy was motivated to calm fears about the rise of Soviet power during the 1950`s. With his elaborated speech he called upon American citizens to act in support of their government. The motivation for American citizens to defend freedom and democracy introduced a challenge and an opportunity for Kennedy with his tactics for presidency.Read MoreSignificant Improvement : Things That I Have Learned From English 10101105 Words  | 5 Pagesstarted to now? Or have I remained the same or worse have I become a worse writer and reader? These are questions that need to be answered by a self-reflection and evaluation. One must always set goals and analyze their growth or the lack thereof. The analysis of progress helps show how far one has come, and it also helps the rate of improvement accelerate. Throughout this semester, I have improved my writing, reading, and critical thinking skills. I have accomplished this by effectively taking advantageRead MoreThe Great American Speech By Robert F. Kennedy2346 Words  | 10 Pagespublic. A speech so powerful that it prevented a major city from rioting. The words of Robert F. Kennedy on April 4th, 1968 in Indianapolis, Indiana still persists strong in the sight of his burial in Arlington Cemetery and in the minds and hearts of the individuals who got to witness this live. The speech was known to be so dynamic that some scholarly institutions like that of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Texas AM regard the speech as the seventeenth greatest American speech of the twentiethRead MoreThe Entertainment of the Media over the Ages1020 Words  | 4 Pagessongs in American pop culture history (Shuck). Standing as a story all on its own, a simple analysis of the lyrics reveals allusions and metaphors in abundance. Analyzing these allusions and metaphors exposes m any rhetorical devices used by McLean. A cultural revolution all in its own, the 1960’s saw the rise and fall of many great civil rights leaders. John F. Kennedy, along with his brother, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., who were all paramount in the fight for civil rights, a very unpopularRead MoreThe Visceral Politics of V for Vendetta: On Politica Affect in Cinema6851 Words  | 28 PagesAdopting a multi-modal approach that focuses on the interplay of discourse, figure, and ground, I contend that the film mobilizes viewers at a visceral level to reject a politics of apathy in favor of a politics of democratic struggle. Based on the analysis, I draw conclusions related to the evaluation of cinematic rhetoric, the political import of mass art, and the character and role of affect in politics. What is important in a text is not its meaning, what it is trying to say, but what it does and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Chip and Bins Case Free Essays
The project is not fully-developed: Because the project is not well-prepared which leads to more problems when it was carried out in Southeast Norfolk like : Technical Failure, Lack of knowledge†¦ 2/ Examine the problem Definitions: After discussing the above definitions, we decided to classify the problems as below: We think that the cause of all troubles is because the project was not well- planned. 3/ Here is our alternative solutions for the problems: Solutions Time Money Practicability Hold a workshop about the benefit of this project x Find out alternative technology Create a competition for household in which house have least waste they will win and get reward X Conducting a survey on the residents’ opinion and collecting their suggestions for the problem. X Enforcing fly-tipping legislation, prosecuting those dumping rubbish. We will write a custom essay sample on Chip and Bins Case or any similar topic only for you Order Now X Reward for households that have the least waste. Reward for denouncing fly-it peers. Reducing a reasonable amount of council tax for the residents Postpone the project for at least 6 months. Showing people the negative effect on their lives if they don’t recycle. X using some celebrity endorsement/ambassador. David Beckman, Adele†¦ ) X FREE Establish a technical team that can fix the system 24/7. 4/ Finally, we decide to choose these solutions: Establish a research on Southeast Norfolk District. This solutions will help us understand more about the people, what do they want from the project, what do they misunderstand about the project. Showing people the negative effect on their lives if they don’t recycle. This solution will take a direct impact on people’s kindness when they realize what they’ve done to the environment around them. Using some celebrity endorsement. They will act as Environment Ambassador to help promote the project, usually they will do it for free because this is also a good chance to promote their images. Hold a workshop about the benefit of this project. After TA king research, we will organized a workshop to deliver the message to the people about the project, the environment to make them understand the true purpose of the project. Reward for households that have the least waste. It will encourage people to be more active, competitiveness is something that everybody has so they will be more happy to join the project. How to cite Chip and Bins Case, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Epilepsy Essay Example For Students
Epilepsy Essay EPILEPSY: A DISORDER IN WHICH NERVE CELLS OF THE BRAIN FROM TIME TO TIME RELEASE ABNORMAL ELECTRICAL IMPULSES. Epilepsy can happen to anyone of any age. The largest(47%) percent of people, developing epilepsy for the first time, being children from birth to nine years of age. The next largest age group would be ten year olds to ninteen year olds at 30%. The least amount of first time seizures comes from the forty plus age group. (According to EFA publications) Over 2.5 million people suffer from epilepsy. The international league against epilepsy describes a seizure as an alternative term for â€Å"epileptic attack†. Seizures vary in there length and severity. A â€Å"tonic-clonic†seizure can last for one to seven minutes. â€Å" Absence seizures usually last for a few seconds. However, complex partial seizure†may last for thirty seconds or two to three minutes. â€Å"Status Epileptius†, is when seizures last for many hours. This can lead to medical prob lems. This type of seizure is vary rare. There are many types of seizures: 1. GRAND MAL OR TONIC CLONIC SEIZURE are one of the worst and most severe seizures. Some know that they are going to have a seizure, they will experience some type of warning. They may feel like something in their stomach is rising or falling. They will become unconsciousness and stop breathing. The person may shake violently. It may last for a couple of minutes then the person will recover consciousness. This usually leaves the person exhausted, and disoriented. Sometimes, people who are not familiar with seizures will call for medical emergency help. 2. MYOCLONIC SEIZURES: with this seizure, a person may experience shaking of the limbs and depending on how bad the seizure is, may become unconcious. This also leaves a person feeling disoriented and exhausted. 3. TONIC SEIZURES: often occur in children who have had some type of brain damage. These seizures are characterized by stiffening of the body, or the a rching of the back. The person may or may or may not lose conciousness. The cause of all seizures is unclear, but doctors have come up with some reasons why they may occur. Common forms of generalized epilepsy, absence attacks, and tonic-clonic seizures are sometimes caused because of an inherited instability. This is where the inherited instability in functioning of neurones is responsible for these disorders. It is still not understood just how this genetic defect works, it could be the abnormality is in the structure of the neurone’s outer membrance, which could cause electrical instability. Any type of injury related to your brain could cause you to have an epilectic seizure. These could include lack of oxygen during delivery of a baby, injury to the head at any age, injury to the brain caused by stroke. Metabolic disturbance may cause seizures which are generalized, through distributing the regular functioning of neurones. The cause could be when the blood sugar is very low, or when the liver or kidney malfunction. People that are alcoholic or drug abusers may have a seizure while under the influence of these substances. They may also experience a seizure when the withdraw some of these substances, like barbiturates or sedatives or some other medications, especially if they have been taken for a long time. Brain tumors can be a cause of seizures also, but these are very rare. Most epileptic patients have been tested for brain tumors, just to be sure so they can be ruled out. The most common treatment for epilepsy is some for of medication. Most doctors recommend medication for most people suffering from seizure disorder. Some patients are forced to use medication because their seizures are either so severe or too often. If the seizures are really severe an you have alot of them, you can get brain damage. If they originate in a certain part of the brain, it could also cause brain damage. While some people have been able to control their seizures wit h medication, others have had to have surgery to correct the problem. Doctors for the most part do not recommend or advise nutrition as a way of helping patients. However, there are many people who have tried different types of homeopathic remedies and vitamins and found they worked wonderfully. Many have used these in place of medications. Neologists that are honest will tell you that they really can’t answer the cause or cure of epilepsy. It would seem that they would be more open to the successes of people who chose an alternate route than medication. However, it would seem that there is a pretty closed mind when it come to using anything other than prescribed medicines. There are things you should do if you are with someone when they are having a tonic-clinic seizure: 1. Do not panic. Let the seizure happen. There is no way you can stop a seizure after it starts. 2. Get the person on the floor and put something soft under their head. If they have clothing around their nec k that could cause them to choke remove it. 3. Do not try to open their mouth and put something between their teeth. This could damage their jaw or teeth. 4. When the person has stopped shaking roll them over to their side. This enables the fluids to drain away allowing them to pass through. Do not panic is the person stops breathing for a brief while. 5. When the seizure has subsided let the person rest for as long as they need to. Some people are exhausted after a seizure. 6. You should call for medical assistance if the seizure lasts longer than five minutes, or repeats itself before recovery fully from the first seizure. If someone is having a partial complex seizure you should: 1. Do not leave the person alone, and do not try to stop the seizure. 2. Try and keep the person away from danger. 3. This type of seizure may spread to other parts of the brain and convulsions may follow. 4. Be sure that the person has recovered completely before leaving them alone. Ask them questions a bout themselves to be sure they recovered completely. If it appears that they are not recovering be sure to contact medical assistance immediately. MY STORY When I was six years old I had my first seizure. It was very scary to me, because I had no idea what was happening to me, or why. I think the type of seizure I had was Metabolic disturbance. I believe it was related to low blood sugar. The seizure affected my jaw. When I saw the neurologist, he had no idea what might be causing my seizures. So, they did some tests, EEG, which tests the brain waves to see if they are normal, mine were not. I also had an MRI, you go into a tube like machine that makes alot of noise. This test was to be sure there were no tumors. There were none to be found. I went to many different specialists to see what they recommended in the way of treatment. Most wanted to put me on medication. My parents prayed alot about this and attended informational meetings. They decided not to go the medication route i f they didn’t have to. So, while we were awaiting test results, we studied up on epilepsy and all the information we could find about treating it with vitamins and diet. By the time the test results came in, we had formed a treatment plan with diet and vitamins. It seemed to be working as the seizures were getting farther and farther apart. So, with much prayer, we decided to pursue this route. The doctor was not happy with our decision. We found that when I didn’t eat sugar that my seizures were farther apart. We also found that pasta for dinner was predictable for a seizure. We learned that pasta turns to sugar quickly and lowers your blood sugar. If I ate a whole grain toast or nine grain cereal before bedtime, usually I did not experience a seizure. We learned that the whole grain breaks down slower so I was OK with my blood sugar in the early mornings, which is when I usually had my seizures. I would usually have them around 5am, and they would last anywhere from several seconds to minutes. They would always wake me up and I was always awake during the seizure. If it was a bad seizure, I wouldn’t be able to move afterwards for a while. After every seizure my speech would be slurred for a little while. My dad would make me squeeze his hand to see if it had affected my strength. I continued to carefully monitor my diet, no sugar of any kind, lots of health foods and a regiment of vitamins. At first I took a fizzy vitamin drink. Later just vitamins, which included a daily, the b complex, magnesium along with calcium and zinc, manganese and others. I had seizures for around three years, they continually got farther and farther apart. When I hadn’t had one for around nine months to a year, I had another EEG. This time it came back normal. We are thankful for God’s direction and sustaining power. He helped us day by day as we looked to him for direction. 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