How to write an argument essay
College Level Essay Writing
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Notebook movie review
The Notebook film audit Free Online Research Papers Hi, companions! I need to inform you regarding my preferred film The Notebook. This motion pictures about the elderly person in nursing home peruses the story to elderly person every day. The Tale, which he peruses follows two youthful sweethearts named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun. They have met one night in fair a lot of years agoes. The Parents Allies independent But likewise Allie. They convict the Whined deformity a riches and move Allie away. In the wake of sitting tight whimper to compose it for quite a while, Allie meets and turns into the involved delightful youthful fighter named Lon. In neighborhood paper, Whined scene caughts the eye Allies. He costs before totally reestablished, multi year houses. The Article is filled by lauding for its flawlessness. The Heart Allies almost blasts. Last time she saw this house, which this was spoiled to rot to haul along ponderously. She has stood enveloped in Whined arms in huge passage and listened their own arrangements to purchase and reestablish this house. Precisely way, which she has needed this. With her affection for cry still alive, scene to pull in its heart. She should return, check whether an o.k., and report him on its marriage. The two of them think the reverberation somewhere down in their own heart, that which endured every one of these years, not wide-spread others. The Shout, which they couldn't stifle. This doesn't end for me. The Notebook is one of my entire cherished film of time. The Constant, and classicist love the story, which does You to be felt as it is woke;waked You there watch it as it is woke;waked You one of the image, which do the impact of the story just that all the more genuine. There truly not no word to depict as this film does You to feel, however one this is on the grounds that surely This will do You to be felt. After watch this, I sowed;sown regularly exactly where I and is directly before considered this. This basically one of that film that You will think adjacent to 30 years after watch, which this and still gets this likewise feeling in your heart and You will hear that concerned You in any case. In the event that You didn't see this, You truly miss The Classicist! Research Papers on The Notebook film reviewHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayWhere Wild and West MeetPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHip-Hop is ArtTrailblazing by Eric AndersonMind TravelThe Fifth HorsemanHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Hockey GameThe Spring and Autumn
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Principal of Professional Communication
Question: Depict about the head of expert correspondence. Answer: Week 1 1. The reason In the wake of speaking with all the representatives in the association, Petra Valos has is hoping to make the workers very much aware of the way that the workplace timing of the organization would change thinking about the accommodation of the representatives. Thinking about the idea of correspondence with the staffs of the association, it tends to be expressed that Petra Valos has an away from of perspective on how the message would be passed on to the staffs, as the choice in regards to the changing time of business depends on the accommodation of the representatives. Subsequent to conveying the message, it is normal that a portion of the representatives would incline toward this move timing changes and some would not like and accordingly a contention would occur. 2. The channel In the wake of experiencing the contextual analysis, it very well may be said that Petra Valos has chosen perhaps the best strategy to speak with the staffs of the association. Petra Valos has discussed legitimately with the staffs of the organization and this immediate methodology is useful in conveying the message to the representatives of the association. Aside from discussing straightforwardly with the staffs, Petra Valos could have spoken with the workers through sending the official sends to them. Direct correspondence in the association is useful in passing on the message to the workers that they are esteemed in the association. In the mechanically propelled zone, sending email to the workers is the most suitable methodology to illuminate the representatives about any hierarchical changes. Aside from that, it tends to be referenced that discussing straightforwardly with the workers helps in keeping up enough straightforwardness in the authoritative change the board system. Hen ce, it very well may be expressed that to pass on the message of office move timing changing, Petra Valos could have spoken with the representatives through sending the official messages to them, as this is one of the powerful channels of correspondence. 3. The message The way Petra Valos has communicated the message is helpful enough and this is compactly communicated. Changing the workplace move timing has been introduced in the most ideal way. In any case, experiencing the contextual investigation and the system of speaking with the workers, it very well may be expressed that the message is planned in a legitimate way to address the issue of the collectors. The messages passed on to the workers of the organization are all around organized and simple for the comprehension of them. 4. Input In the wake of passing on the message to the representatives of the association, Petra Valos has made enough arrangement for the criticism from the workers. This part is without a doubt the most significant bit, as this assists with building direct correspondence among the directors, workers and the HRs of any association. The method of passing on the message is brilliant enough that the workers also would hear an opportunity to disclose their thoughts to the HR. Aside from that, if the representatives feel that they can't communicate their conclusion before all the workers in the association, they may take help of authentic email for tending to their anxiety. Week 2 Wendy Tuohy said in the exploration work that the human mind is barrage with immense innovation and this is over-burden with various data just as performing multiple tasks exercises. Aside from that, it tends to be expressed that this imperative organ may respond seriously a few times and therefore Wendy Tuohy has gone inside the cutting edge leader of the people. In any case, it very well may be expressed that examination with regards to nervous system science circle is can be considered as troublesome work into the jerky new-thousand years ways of life, as a constrained image of the minds better capacities and the exercises is given by non-intrusive perception methods. In any case, a few researchers like Dr. Jason have effectively found that people do pay an immense mental cost when they are solicited a lot from the minds without a moment's delay (Jankovic, 2012). He has expressed that the human cerebrum process much more information when they are very much aware of the faculties that are being barraged constantly. In any case, it is required to specify that component of consideration does the sifting appropriately. From his examination work, it very well may be seen that human cerebrums battle a great deal to process contending wellsprings of information and data. For this situation, on account of inordinate utilization of the link and TV, human cerebrums neglect to recollect all the subtleties of more than one source and the over incitement contributes in exhaustion. In any case, it is important to clarify that downturn, uneasiness just as stress may add to a diminished possibility to remain tuned (Roblek et al., 2013). One of the successful methods of outlining how the observation leaves sway on the capacity of the individual to perceive what is out there just as to take a gander at visual deceptions. In this part, it is required to concentrate in transit the cerebrum procedure data and it very well may be expressed that the tactile messages is changed by mind in the area of cognizant discernments which are quickly confused in nature, aggregate movement considering a large number of neurons appears to be basic for this sort of fast acknowledgment. Observation is a methodology of get-together information and data through the sense organs, arranging just as comprehending it. For this situation, it very well may be expressed that advanced correspondence advances like cell phones, email and web leaves profound effect on the individuals perceptual resources (Saeidipour et al., 2012). Many research works have expressed the way that the probability to peruse increasingly troublesome writings is affected by the appearance of current advancements. With the headway of innovation, it has been seen that the small kids, youngsters and the grown-ups see the things in an unexpected way. In this manner, it tends to be expressed that the individuals are broadly occupied and people are attacked with the realities, pseudo realities and gossip. Reports have expressed the way that pressure began hormone cortisol just as the urgency started hormone adrenaline creation is expanded by performing multiple tasks. These hormones are compelling for over-animating the human cerebrums. In addition, it can cause mixed reasoning or mental mist. Along these lines, it tends to be expressed that the advanced correspondence advances leave incredible effect on the perceptual resources of the individual (Sari, 2012). Week 4: Portfolio Exercise 4: The article depends on the examination on the Fore individuals in regard to set up that the non-verbal emotive articulations are general. In light of the language hindrance Paul Ekman confronted bunches of issue in regard of leading the investigation. He attempted to accumulate the data as per their comparability of the emotive articulation. Paul attempted to accumulate impression of the Fore individuals with respect to the picture of emotive articulation dependent on the narratives. It has been discovered that they are well ready to distinguish the emotive articulation from various culture. Be that as it may, they couldn't recognize dread and shock. What's more Heider upheld the examination discoveries by inquiring about on the Dani individuals. He arrived at the comparable resolution. Notwithstanding that, another exploration discovered that various individuals from different culture and foundation change same facial muscle in regard to the comparable emotive appearance. The examination has been censured as the exploration utilized picture rather than word. In support it is said that the word is only a way to communicate the words not feeling itself. The exploration has had the option to answer a few enquiries in regards to the outward appearance in regard to number, exactness and viability. Portfolio Exercise 5: Eye to eye connection conduct is most fundamental piece of the discussion from a ver4y early days. It has been seen that the human feeling can be viably gotten from the eye to eye connection exclusively. The eye stare can be considered as the most crude methods for non-verbal correspondence. The eye articulation can be likewise drilled for playing out the synchronizing the sign. Individuals will in general evade the eye to eye connection at the hour of dithering, non-familiar discussion just as deduction. The eye to eye connection is additionally brought about at the hour of chuckling, short replying alongside confronting interference. Social separation is fundamentally utilized for indifferent business. This non verbal motion can be for the most part seen if there should be an occurrence of cooperating in same room just as parties. The social separation is likewise significant in regard to imparting over the work area in a proper situation. If there should arise an occurrence of one individual looks down to another an accurate impact of mastery can be set up. The social separation profoundly requests the enormous utilization of stronger correspondence power with the goal that the correspondence can be performed viably. Notwithstanding that, the fundamental utilization of eye to eye connection helps to keep up the social separation in the general public. The social separation can be liable for the diminished criticism just as cooperation level. There are different diverse non-verbal practices which are exceptionally viable for the correspondence plan. The kinesics is generally centered around the fortifying and underlining the impression of the person at the social connection with a methods for non-verbal correspondence process. In addition, the artist body development, for example, round development of hand additionally presents a more noteworthy utilization of correspondence process. Stance is additionally very viable for mirroring the level of status, certainty just as decency of any individual. Reflecting is likewise another critical stance style of non-verbal correspondence. Week 5: Portfolio Exercise 6: A report was distributed in the site of BBC news that expressed there is a predictable connection between viciousness computer game use and hostility conduct. Be that as it may, countless individuals denied the outcomes as the examination was profoundly defective. A significant piece of material associated with the investigation had not been exposed to peer audit. All things considered, playing brutal computer game I
Sunday, July 19, 2020
TOEFL Writing Course The Hub
TOEFL Writing Course The Hub Im making a writing course!First, the good news: the course will be free. It will always be free.Next, the bad news: the course isnt finished. It will take some time to finish.I understand that might be a bit annoying, but as you will see, Im going to upload the course here as I build it. That means youll benefit at least a little bit right away, and you can also tell me what you want from the course. If some of my lessons are unclear you will have an opportunity to let me know.The Lessons The Independent EssayHere are the lessons that make up the course. Links are to those completed at this time:Question types and topicsBasic essay templatesWriting a great introductionWriting great body paragraphsWriting a great conclusionBetter essays: Vocabulary strategiesBetter essays: Discourse phrasesBetter essays: Grammar strategiesBetter essays: Coming up with ideasUsing your time wiselyHow is the essay scored?ResourcesThis course will be more rewarding if you have a copy of the Offici al Guide to the TOEFL. That link is to the 5th edition of the book (from 2017). You can also use the 4th edition, which is cheaper.You might also want to pick up at least one of the two Official Test Collection books.For additional practice tests, I recommend the ten test collection from TSTPrep. Use the coupon code goodine10off for a 10% discount.Basically, the course is more rewarding if you have some real questions to practice with. The three aforementioned sources are worthwhile in this regard!
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Money Laundry History Origin Of The Term Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1373 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? We all hear and use the term money laundry, but where did that term originate from and when? It is said that, money laundry originated from Mafia ownership of Laundromats (self service laundry) in the United States. Mafia were earning a lot of money from extortion, prostitution, gambling and bootleg liquor, they needed to show a legitimate source for their money. Laundromats were used to cover these illicit earnings, because they are cash businesses and this was an undoubted advantage to people like Al Capone who purchased them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Money Laundry History Origin Of The Term Finance Essay" essay for you Create order On the other hand, other say that the term originated because it perfectly describes what takes place illegal, or dirty, money is put through a cycle of transactions, or washed, so that it comes out the other end as legal, or clean, money. Money Laundry Beginnings There is no specific date of when money laundry began. However, the conviction of Al Capone in 1931 may have been the trigger that set the money laundry business in motion. Money laundering seems to have started after Meyer Lansky got affected by the conviction of Capone for something as obvious as tax evasion. He was determined that the same fate would not befall him and thats when he discovered the benefits of numbered Swiss Bank Accounts. The use of the Swiss facilities gave Lansky the means to incorporate one of the first real laundering techniques, the use of the loan-back concept, which meant that illegal money could now be disguised by loans provided by compliant foreign banks, which could be declared to the revenue if necessary, and a tax-deduction obtained into the bargain. Money Laundry as an Expression Money laundering as an expression is fairly recent. The word was first used in newspapers reporting the Watergate scandal in the United States in 1973. The first appearance of money laundering in a judicial or legal context was in 1982, in America in the case US v $4,255,625.39. The term is now widely accepted and used throughout the world. ** The history of anti money laundry will be discussed later in the assignment What is Money Laundry and Anti- Money Laundry? The simplest yet most comprehensive definition of Money Laundering is the criminal practice of filtering ill-gotten gains or dirty money through a maze or series of transactions, so the funds are cleaned to look like proceeds from legal activities. Money laundering does not have to involve cash at every stage of the laundering process. In practice, criminals are trying to disguise the origins of money obtained through illegal activities so it looks like it was obtained from legal sources. Otherwise, they cant use the money because it would connect them to the criminal activity, and law-enforcement officials would seize it. Money laundering is a serious charge; in 2001 U.S. prosecutors obtained almost 900 money-laundering convictions with an average prison sentence of six years. The rise of global financial markets makes money laundering easier than ever, countries with bank-secrecy laws are directly connected to countries with bank-reporting laws, making it possible to anonym ously deposit dirty money in one country and then have it transferred to any other country for use. However, organized crime will always continue to innovate new ways to carry out their illegal transactions. Anti Money Laundry (AML) on the other hand is the fight against money laundry. It is used in financial and legal industries to describe the legal controls that require financial institutions and other regulated entities to prevent or report money laundering activities. The guidelines of AML came into prominence globally after the September 11, 2001 attacks and the subsequent enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act. Money Laundering Procedure As we have previously mentioned Money Laundering is not a single act, but is a 3 steps procedure. These steps can occur either simultaneously or one by one, and they are:- Taken from Money Laundering in the EU Placement: The 1st stage in the washing cycle is merely the process of placing unlawful cash proceeds into traditional financial institutions. The process of placement can be carried out through many processes including: Currency Smuggling This is the physical illegal movement of currency and monetary instruments out of a country. Structuring Deposits (Smurfing) Breaking up large amounts of money into smaller, less-suspicious amounts Bank Complicity This is when a financial institution, such as banks, is owned or controlled by unscrupulous individuals suspected of conniving with drug dealers and other organized crime groups. Currency Exchanges In a number of transitional economies the liberalization of foreign exchange markets provides room for currency movements and as such laundering schemes can benefit from such policies. Securities Brokers Brokers can facilitate the process of money laundering through structuring large deposits of cash in a way that disguises the original source of the funds. Blending of Funds- Enables the funds from illicit activities to be obscured in legal transactions. Asset and Valuable Commodity Purchase Offshore Accounts ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢ Layering: The process of separating the proceeds of criminal activity from their origin through the use of layers of complex financial transactions, such as converting cash into travelers checks, money orders, wire transfers, letters of credit, stocks, bonds, or purchasing valuable assets, such as art or jewelry. ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢ Integration: The process of using an apparently legitimate transaction to disguise the illicit proceeds, allowing the laundered funds to be disbursed back to the criminal. Different types of financial transactions, such as sham loans or false import/export invoices, can be used. Banks role in anti-money laundering Government Cooperation Banks have a major role in fighting against money laundering as they are at forefront of these activities. Several measures have been taken to ensure that all banks cooperate with their government in their anti-money laundering efforts. In the USA for instance, The Bank Secrecy Act 1970 (BSA) basically eliminates all anonymous banking in the United States. It gives the Treasury Department the ability to force banks to keep records that make it easier to spot a laundering operation. This includes reporting all single transactions above $10,000 and multiple transactions totaling more than $10,000 to or from a single account in one day. A banker who consistently violates this rule can serve up to 10 years in prison. Similar measures include the 1986 Money Laundering Control Act which makes money laundering a crime in itself instead of just an element of another crime, and the1994 Money Laundering Suppression Act which orders banks to estab lish their own money-laundering task forces to weed out suspicious activity in their institutions. KYC Know your customer (KYC) is the due diligence and bank regulation that financial institutions and other regulated companies must perform to identify their clients and ascertain relevant information pertinent to doing financial business with them. Gathering as much relevant information as you can about your client in the present can prevent any incidents that might happen in the future. Also, banks must ensure that appropriate bank personnel are trained in all aspects of the regulatory requirements of the AML and anti-money laundering policies and procedures. FATFs 40 Recommendations The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which has 33 member states and international organizations on its roster list as of 2005, has developed into the most prominent international organization for fighting against money laundering. The FATF issued the 40 Recommendations for banks (there are actually 49 now) that have become the anti-money-laundering standard. These recommendations include: Identify and do background checks on depositors. Report all suspicious activity. (For example, if a background check revealed that depositor A works in a steel factory, and he typically deposits $2,000 every two weeks, a series of 10 $9,000 deposits over the course of two weeks should raise a red flag.) Build an internal taskforce to identify laundering clues. By following these recommendations, banks and financial institutions can set-up guidelines to protect themselves from any money laundering threat. While increased worldwide efforts are making a small dent in the money-la undering industry, the problem is huge, and the money launderers are winning overall. Countries with bank-secrecy rules, which arguably have legitimate benefits to the honest depositor, make it extremely hard to track money once its transferred overseas. Still, the FATFs continues to work hard to aid and cooperate with banks in the effort against money laundering. However, only increased global awareness and cooperation can curb the success of the money-laundering industry.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Reflection Of A Personal Early Childhood Education...
In this paper, I have developed a personal early childhood education philosophy statement. I will reflect and discuss my personal learning philosophy through topics such as: the purpose of education, how children learn best, what should be included in the curriculum, what environment children learn best in, what needs must be met for children to grow and learn, and how I can meet those needs. Every interaction with a child is important, and helps them to grow and develop. I want to create positive experiences, and teach to the needs of each individual child, so they can feel successful and capable, developing to their full potential. My Teaching Philosophy I believe the purposes of education are to supply children with the†¦show more content†¦This kind of play helps children develop their approaches to learningâ€â€in other words, the ways they respond to learning situations. Curiosity about the world, initiative and problem solving, and focused attention and persistence are just a few approaches to learning that children develop through play†(Gronlund, 2013). Creating a play-based, child-directed, teacher-supported program, reflects the integration of physical, cognitive, social-emotional, self-help, language, and aesthetic areas for the total development of the child. Children should play an active role in their learning, and the curriculum should be flexible to change with their needs, interests, and developmental level. The curriculum of any classroom should include â€Å"basics†that contribute to children’s social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. These ba sics include: problem solving, group activities, positive experiences, routines, playing, eating, sleeping, washing hands, and diaper changing/using the bathroom. Meaningful play encourages curiosity, problem solving, and discovery, which allows for the growth and development of a positive self-image. I believe it is necessary to establish and define reasonable limits with logical consequences and make sure that every child is treated with gentleness, honesty, and respect, while encouraging them to treat others in this manner. Routines help the children get used to the activities at theShow MoreRelatedEarly Childhood Education Essays1052 Words  | 5 PagesTHRORISTS Early Childhood Curriculum â€Æ' Contents Introduction 2 Principles and Philosophy 2 Common and Differences 2 Contributions 3 Personal Reflections 4 Bibliography 5 Introduction In this assessment I will be talking about the principles and philosophy of Frobel and Montessori, what they have in common and differences, there contributions to Siolta and my own thoughts in relation to early childhood education and their impact on the learning environment Principles and Philosophy FroebelRead MoreUnderstanding The Professional Roles Of Supporting Consultee And Consultant Field Of Early Childhood Education Essay1200 Words  | 5 Pages Why Program Selected The program I have selected for this assignment on consultations in Early Childhood settings is Sunshine Academy Early Education Center located in Brookline, Massachusetts. 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Prezi Reflection Free Essays
Prezi Reflection and Review The entire process of creating and presenting the Prezi was a huge collaborative learning experience for me. Time management was one of the greatest challenges we faced throughout the creation process. As a group, we had to find non-clashing time slots in our schedules in order to meet and design a layout for our project. We will write a custom essay sample on Prezi Reflection or any similar topic only for you Order Now After brainstorming and designating four major areas of interest for each team member through texts and emails, we made an appointment at the CommLab. One of the English professors helped us with learning the Prezi interface and facilitated the designing of the structure for our Prezi. The toughest challenge our group faced was to maintain coherence throughout our project. This was intrinsically difficult because our group focused on the diversity of reality and thus we went into very unique branches of thought such as Fundamental Science, Politics, Art, etc. Later on, Professor Harkey gave us valuable feedback as to how to orient our visual structure in order to achieve maximum engagement and coherence. Everything started to fall in place when we created a linked Prezi which allowed all four of us to access and edit the group’s Prezi simultaneously and independently at our own convenience. I would say this is one of Prezi’s greatest advantages over other presentation softwares. It was incredible for me to log onto our Prezi presentation at say 11:30 p. m. and see my teammates adding content. I could literally see the Prezi grow radially building up with more connections between major areas of interest. It was tough not to get sucked into one of my partner’s chain of thought as he or she was dynamically appending the presentation. However, these distractions proved to be beneficial when we began texting each other while observing each other’s contribution. Creativity manifested itself in the minor changes we made while we were working on the presentation together. Technology seemed to overpower obstacles such as distance and time and it gave us a feeling of control. It created a hyperreality by almost convincing us that we were working in the same room together. Our group was assigned to review group Foxtrot. The major question they tried to answer in their presentation was â€Å"what is realness with reference to the real world? †In terms of their organization, they followed a very simple structure comprised of concentric circles. This made it easy for the audience to follow along in a sequential manner but I feel they slightly underutilized Prezi’s capabilities. For each subtopic, they were able to present a well justified argument in their view. I felt they could have enriched their presentation in this aspect by justifying their claims through more perspectives. One good example of the multimodal approach can be found in their presentation. They first used a video with text alone showing the dialogue from the movie, The Matrix. Then, they played the actual piece containing that dialogue. Thus, it was an instance where they mixed oral, visual, and non-verbal modes quite fluently. The unique aspect about their presentation that distinguishes them is the fact that they relied on verbal communication relatively more than any other group in our class. Thus, one is inclined to believe that their presentation is brief when viewing their Prezi independently although that is not the reality. The very act of focusing their presentation orally to create a discussive environment shows a good deal of Rhetorical Awareness. They could have achieved a better sense of balance in this regard by distributing the time each member spoke equally. Overall, they did well in all these different areas of evaluation. They especially did well when you take into account that their presentation was broken into two pieces due to time constraints and they were one member short during the presentation. I can clearly see that the entire Prezi assignment has helped both of our groups attain some clarity on the different issues that â€Å"realness†brings up. It has also given us a better understanding of how different modes can be used to create different responses in the audience with the same content. The Prezi assignment like I said before has truly been a great learning experience. How to cite Prezi Reflection, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus (525 - 456 B.C.) Essays -
"Prometheus Bound" by Aeschylus (525 - 456 B.C.) Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus (525 - 456 B.C.) Type of Work: Classical tragic drama Setting A desolate Scythian cliff; remote antiquity Principal Characters Prometheus, the fire-bearing Titan demigod Hephaestus, an Olympian fire god Might (kratos) and Force (Bia), beings representing Power and Violence Oceanos, god of the sea, and brother to Prometheus Io, a river princess Hermes, Zeus the chief Olympian god's winged messenger A Chorus composed of the daughters of Oceanos, who converse, comment, and sing throughout the play Play Overveiw Prologue: Like other works of the Classical Age, Prometheus Bound doesn't begin in the beginning but leaps in medias res ("into the middle of things"), just as Prometheus, a defiant demigod, is brought in chains to be fettered to a desolate mountain crag. For the modern reader - as opposed to an Aeschylian audience, who would have already been conversant with the plot - a bit of background is in order. Prometheus was a god from the old order, the Titans, who had now all been overthrown by a group of young upstarts, the Olympians - all, that is, except for Prometheus. Rather than go down in honor, this half-god Prometheus, in order to avoid further violence, had chosen to desert over to the Olympian forces. In fact, he was instrumental in Zeus' ursurpation of the throne from the old Titan king Chronus. In the new order, Zeus stood as chief god. Now one of Zeus' first objectives was to destroy the rice of men, who, until then, had been a primitive, unenlightened and miserable lot. Zeus' intent was to replace mankind with a new, more noble race, servile to the gods' every whim. When the destructive proclamation went out, however, Prornetheus alone objected to Zeus' heartless proposal. He saw in man a spark of divine promise that even the gods might envy, and in order to save the human race, he willingly and courageously committed a crime: he brought fire down from heaven and taught the mortals how to use it. Furthermore, he tutored them in practical arts, applied sciences and philosophy, that he might edify, ennoble and empower them. But these saving acts were deemed highly treasonous; such knowledge in the hands of humans threatened to put them on an equal footing with the gods themselves. Furious, Zeus commanded the Olympian blacksmith god of fire, Hephaestus, and the gods of Might and Force, Kratos and Bia, to seize Prometheus and shackle him to a barren mountain-side. But Hephaestus approached his task halfheartedly. He had been taught to respect deity and he sympathized with Prometheus - after all, it didn't seem right that a divine being should suffer such scornful abuse. Pangs of sorrow overwhelmed him; to think that this god was doomed to remain in chains as the solitary guardian of a lonely Scythian cliff for all time to come! The exchange between Hephaestus and Might (Kratos) showed clearly their separate sentiments. >Even as the smithy was reasoning and pleading: Compassion will not move the mind of Zeus: All monarchs new to power show brutality .... How bitterly I hate any craftsman's cunning now! ... Prometheus! I lament your pain ... Might stood by complaining of Hephaestus' delay, and demanding full punishment: Now do your work - enough of useless pitying. How can you fail to loathe this god whom all gods hate, Who has betrayed to man the prize that was your right? ... The hammer! Strike, and rivet hurt against the rock! ... Teach this clever one he is less wise than Zeus. Now take your wedge of steel and with its cruel point Transfix him! Drive it through his breast with all your strength! The smithy had no choice but to comply with his orders; and tied with bonds "as strong as adamant," Prometheus was left alone on the jagged face of the cliff. Before departing, the mighty Kratos hurled one last taunt at the Titan god, asking how his human friends could help him now, and chuckling at the foolish Titans who had named him Prometheus, "the Forethinker." It seemed now, Kratos pointed out, that Prometheus required a higher intelligence to do his thinking for him. The captive god called upon the wind, the waters, mother earth, and the sun to look on him and see how gods tortured a god. He bemoaned his invincible fate, puzzled that he should be punished simply for loving mankind. Presently, a chorus of the daughters of Oceanos, Prometheus' brother, came on the scene. Seeing the tragic yet defiant figure on the crag, they felt both pity and admiration, and listened as their uncle described the events that had brought him to his exile. The chorus stayed to provide comforting music and cheer. Next,
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